The Compositions, Functions and health benefits of Banana

After the apple, banana is the most consumed fruit in the world. Banana can be eaten anywhere without need for a napkin or a knife. But more than anything the banana is one of the most nutritious and medicinal fruit that exist.

Banana contains about 21% carbohydrates. It contains a small amount of proteins (1%) and very little fat less than 0.5%. Banana stands out for their vitamins B content. About three medium sized bananas provide the recommended daily allowance of this vitamin for an adult male. Banana also contain significant amount of vitamins C, B1, B2, and E, as well as fol ates.

It is also rich in minerals among which are potassium, magnesium and Iron. They are very rich in potassium, they also contain significant amount of vegetable fiber which contributes to its ability to lower cholesterol level. Banana medicinal values are as follows.

1. Banana is very rich potassium and low sodium, this quality makes it an ideal food in the case of coronary diseases. A diet rich in potassium and low in sodium prevents arterial hypertension, stroke and even cancer. The potassium content makes it very good in the treatment of the heart or arterial hypertension. They also help avoid hypertension and maintain a healthy heart.

2. Prevent Heart Attack:- this is because of the B group vitamins content which help in producing energy within the heart muscle, as well as magnesium which prevent heart attack.

3. Treatment of intestinal disorders:- Banana alone or with apples are effective in relieving diarrhea in children as well as in adults. It may be eaten abundantly or even exclusively for some days in the case of ulcer. It neutralizes the excess acidity of gastric juices produced in the stomach thereby reducing the effect of the ulcer.

4. Treatment of arthritis and gout:- Banana alkalizes the blood, which helps neutralizes and eliminates the excess uric acid that causes arthritis and gout.

5. Banana being a low sodium diet:- is an idea food in cases of cirrhosis, edema which is retention of watery fluid in the tissues or even kidney failure.

6. Banana is good for stress control:- the potassium content in banana helps to normalize the heart beat and regulates body water balance which in turn controls stress.

7. Good for pregnancy and lactation:- it contains some protein about 1%, which is good for this group, they are also rich in fol ates which prevent fetal nervous system malformation.
Note:- Banana should be preferably taken raw, we must bear in mind that all bananas collected unripe and artificially ripened in chambers have fewer sugars and vitamins than those ripened on the tree. The digestion of the banana begins in the mouth, proper digestion is facilitated by chewing the banana well, mixing it with saliva, this is because the starch content is difficult to digest.
Dr Olusola Coker is Medical Researchers, Author, He is very knowledgeable in both traditional and English medicine. He is the Director of Sound Health Always inc makers of sound health always health magazine, which is on sale all over the world.

By: Olusola Coker

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